Destiny Mastery

When we become teenagers we feel we are finally grown-up. As soon as we get our first job and pay our parents keep then we think we are really grown up now; that is, until we move out and rent or buy our first property, travel or embark on a serious relationship. We soon revise our opinion of that when we get married or become a parent!

All of these are important cornerstones of our soul’s development, but at which point do you become a true master of your destiny? When do you finally feel grown-up?

In a nutshell, I believe true self mastery is more to do with when we are finally ready to accept responsibility for our life’s creations and stop blaming others for our mistakes or when things go wrong.

When we can freely own our mistakes we become co-creators because we are willing to take the wheel and sail it into uncharted waters freely accepting everything that comes our way. We finally realise that life may not be easy, it may not be how we imagined, but it is our life and it is up to us to make the best of it. We should not rely on anyone else to make us happy, provide for us or be responsible for every decision.

Destiny Mastery allows us to celebrate our accomplishments no matter how small or great they are because we have taken full responsibility for creating them. Even when things go horrendously wrong, we are being given the opportunity to learn from them and make wiser choices in the future.

No experience is every wasted if we treat it as a stepping stone to the next great adventure. And, speaking of adventure, I think this is such a great way of looking at life, instead of dreading anything new cropping up, and seeing extra work or greater commitments as millstones around my neck. I instead choose to see them as new avenues for learning more about myself and experiencing life in a different way.

I prefer to live my life in the flow of synchronicity rather than impulsively leaping headfirst into things as I did when I was younger. I found it too easy to allow others to make decisions for me, to be carried away on the wings of others plans and dreams. It wasn’t until I crash landed one time to many that I decided I had to be the one to design my own life, and I have never looked back.

You can accomplish anything that you put your mind to, remember how fearless you were as a child, how each milestone was celebrated. Remember the first time you learned to swim or ride a bike or walked to school on your own?

Yes you we were sacred but you were excited too. Recapture that feeling whenever life throws something new at you. It may not be as scary as you think, you might just enjoy it and it may open up a new direction for you.

Turn the page in your book of life and take the pen firmly in your hand, because you are about to write the next chapter, your next adventure just for you.

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