Good Vibes Holistic Therapies offer distance spiritual training in a variety of uniquely channeled attunement systems. Each (GVHT) system is written by myself and my partner Phil. Prices start at just £7.99

Healing and therapy sessions can be purchased singularly or in cost-effective packages. We carefully select and blend traditional healing systems and modalities with the latest techniques and energies. We aim to create a unique tailor-made session to enhance your health and well-being. We are always happy to help advise you on the best course of action to suit your personal needs.

Energy healing promotes positive inner and outer changes at a soul-deep level by working on the root cause of problems. Healing energies filter through your auric field to improve your vibrational frequency. Attunement energies work on the spiritual, emotional, mental and, physical levels of your being. Healing aligns your whole body, bringing lasting harmony and equilibrium.

I invite you to join me on a journey of soul discovery to experience revitalization, relaxation and release at a deeply profound level.

Our Vision & Mission

Good Vibes Holistic Therapies are the combined dreams and experiences of Raine and Philip Hilton.

Together we offer more than just outstanding quality and services within the holistic complementary industry.

We firmly believe that to serve is the greatest gift of all.

Kindness + Mindfulness = Kindfulness

Here at GVHT, we embody Kindfulness in our approach to holistic wellbeing.
Kindfulness brings wholeness to the body, mind, and spirit.
Kindfulness powerfully affects the way we interact with others and the world.
Kindfulness allows healing to happen at a deep cellular level.
Kindfulness is acceptance of who you are right now.
When we are kinder to ourselves, we are able to be kinder and more mindful of others

Click through the links below to view healing sessions and shamanic ssessions.

We have been gifted with bringing through a great many unique channelled messages, many of which now appear within the pages of these manuals. Click through the links below to view distance attunements

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