Seeking Solitude

In Search Of Solitude

Solitude is something many actively avoid and yet it can be so rewarding, a time for nurturing, to really listen to what your body needs, an opportunity to take stock of your life, to evaluate your priorities and set new goals and intentions for your future.

We all lead busy lives, often putting our own needs on the back-burner as we rush from one chore to another, ticking another to-do from our list. Our idea of relaxing has become one of flicking from one social media site to another, taking endless selfies, keeping up with friends and followers, or seeing what’s new on Netflix and settling down to binge watch a new series.

None of these things are bad, if they are enjoyed in moderation, and moderation is the key. If something which is supposed to be fun and relaxing suddenly isn’t anymore and you are using them to avoid dealing with important issues happening in your life then you have a real problem.

We have become programmed to constantly have the need to be entertained, to be so distracted from life, that we forget how to spend quality time in our own company.


Enjoying Your ‘Alone Time’

Meditate. Spending quality time with myself has changed my life for the better. Remember, a conversation with yourself is also a conversation with the universe. What you say, think and feel programs the kind of life you have.

How you choose to experience life and express yourself, the meaning you attach to your circumstances, equals the joy you will experience. If we look for problems we will find them, if we look for happy outcomes then they will find us too.

Express yourself. Journaling can help you to express your thoughts and emotions in a way that can be so freeing, Don’t censor what you are writing, just allow it to flow inhibited.

You may choose to keep it to reflect on at a later date or you may prefer to tear it up or burn it which can be cathartic.

Get organised. Take control of your life. Design short, medium and long terms goals, some that will be fairly simple to achieve and will give you the momentum to keep going and others that will really stretch you.

Make sure the goals you are setting are your goals and you are not just fulfilling the wishes or expectations of others or your heart won’t truly be in it.

Keeping track. Spend time in solitude reflecting on your progress. If something really isn’t work out don’t cling to it, look at how you can do it differently or come up with a new idea. Ask yourself if you are self sabotaging your goals, and if so, why?

Progress can be slow and we can’t always see when the breakthrough will come, keep going. Don’t forget to celebrate your achievements no matter how small they are.

Listen to your body. Your body is constantly sending you important signals; listen to what it is telling you.

It is these early warnings that allow us to avoid serious pitfalls such as ill health, accidents, and making unwise decisions.

Trust your Intuition: your gut instinct won’t steer you wrong. If someone or something doesn’t feel right to you then it probably isn’t.

Reflect on the situation and try to see it from different angles and outcome projections.


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