Scarborough Castle Ghosts

We have lived in Scarborough for 16 years and have been frequent visitors to the historic Scarborough Castle situated above and between the North and South bays. The land the castle was built on has had known occupation for the last 2,500 years enjoying a constant stream of visitors during the tourist season. On a quiet out-of-season day the energy in and around the castle takes on a very different quality.

There are numerous ghost stories associated with Scarborough Castle. Their energies have been felt, seen and heard while stood before the fireplace in the main part of the Keep and in the ruins. Dogs have barked at thin air and visitors have been pushed and frightened by the ghostly inhabitants.

To name but a few spirits haunting this important landmark, we have:

Piers Gaveston: a favourite of King Edward II was captured in 1312. He haunts the ruins and attempts to lure visitors over the edge of the cliffs

George Fox: founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers). He was held in the tower in 1666. Staff working at the castle has reported a feeling of being watched.

Roman Soldiers: reported to be seen looking out to sea and walking along the curtain wall.

The Grey Lady: wife of a former master gun keeper. Her appearance was so hideous the castle staff attempted to have her exorcised but it keep her away for long. She can be spotted in the exhibition room, visitors centre and staff tea rooms.

The Pink Lady: reported to been with wings, like an angel. She is to be found in the main entrance carrying a baby.

The White Lady: believed to be the ghost of a lady from a wealthy family who gave birth out of marriage. Overcome with shame, threw herself and her newborn  child from the castle wall.

Raine Hilton: Good Vibes Holistic Therapies

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