Chakra Mantras

When we chant with our focus on our chakras, we receive the dual healing benefits of singing and breath work which is deeply relaxing. Each chakra holds powerful symbolism and meaning and can tell us a great deal about how we are doing mentally, emotionally and physically.

To chant the mantras make yourself comfortable place. Find a comfortable tone that feels natural and comfortable for your voice, not too high or low in pitch. Allow the sound to flow evenly from you with each breath.

I find energy flows best of I begin with my root chakra and work up to my crown chakra. As you do this, tune into each chakra and see what it is telling you. Learn to really listen to your body so you know what it needs to resonate harmoniously.

Below are the Chakras, their element, energy, and action, from the root to the crown. Note: the “a” in “Lam”, and the others, is pronounced with an “ah,” or sometimes, “uh,” sound.

Muladhara: Root chakra. Chant “Lam.”

Element: earth. Energy: safe, grounded. Action: I am.

Svadisthana: Sacral chakra. Chant “Vam”.

Element: water. Energy: in the flow. Action: I feel.

Manipura: Solar Plexus chakra. Chant “Ram”.

Element: fire. Energy: self-mastery. Action: I do.

Anahata: Heart chakra. Chant “Yam”.

Element: air. Energy: love, the drum that needs no drummer. Action: I love.

Vishuddha: Throat chakra. Chant “Ham”.

Element: ether. Energy: creativity, expression, purification. Action: I speak.

Ajna: Third eye chakra. Chant “Aum”.

Element: transcendent. Energy: mind. Action: I see.

Sahasrara: Crown chakra. Chant: instead of chanting, we just listen.

Element: nothing, everything, and all that is between and beyond that. Action: I know.


For more ways to work with your chakras visit my website Good Vibes Holistic Therapies or email me

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