Check-in Time

Are you on track for the goals you set?

Are you sticking to your intentions and resolutions?

Do you need to adjust your course of action or seek inspiration or guidance from a new direction?

Have you achieved a healthy balance in your daily life?

Take time to reflect on how this year is going for you so far. We are almost two months into the New Year. It is easy to become distracted and drift through each day, or fall back into old, worn, comfortable, self limiting patterns of behaviour.

The first boost of enthusiasm can quickly fade when reality sets in and the real work begins. Spend some time today checking your progress and making any adjustments you need to.


To get you back on track work through these 7 steps

1. Remember why the goal you set was so important to you.

What changes will it bring you?

Are you truly ready for these changes?

What is holding you back?

Close your eyes and visualise how it will make you feel when you have achieved it. See yourself as happy, successful and fulfilled.


2. Don’t slip back into old routines; remember why you chose to change them in the first place. It may be tempting to snooze the alarm instead of getting up and working out, or saying yes to a big slice of cake because you had a bad day, but that was the old you and not the new you.


3. Surround yourself with supporters; when you seek the company of likeminded people you are more likely to stay motivated and can more easily track your progress. They will support your achievements and spur you on. Avoid those who want you to remain the same, or influence how you think you should be, act or look. Look for groups, coaches, mentors, or courses that will keep you motivated and inspired.


4. If your goal seems overwhelming you need to break it down into more manageable steps. When you itemise your goal in this way, you can clearly focus on each aspect. Do something each day, no matter how small to keep the momentum flowing. This way you can chart and celebrate each success as you go and it will help you stick to your intentions.


5. Make your new changes an essential part of your daily routine. Be prepared; if you need certain things in place to achieve this, prepare them ahead of time. When you think about them as something you have to somehow fit into your usual day you will quickly make excuses to get out of doing it. When it becomes a lifestyle habit your brain will quickly create new neural pathways to support this until it is firmly hardwired within you.


6. Reflect on how far you have come; too many of us fail to check in and take the time to celebrate our minor successes on our way to the big goal. When you remember how much you struggled in the early days and how you overcame them it will help to keep you focused on new challenges because you have developed the muscles to do this.


7. Believe in your ability to do it! If you procrastinate or recall times when you have failed in the past you are preparing yourself to fail again. You are not the same person you were back then; you have come too far to fail this time.

Create positive affirmations, design a vision board. Make a list of how important it is for this to work, how much it will change your life, all the great things it will allow you to do. Read it every morning and every night.

Your mind is the most important tool you possess, if you think you can do something, you can, if you think you can’t, then you can’t.


Do not procrastinate, take immediate action. You have got this!


Visit my website Good Vibes Holistic Therapies or email me

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