Crystals do not, as many people believe, have a limitless supply of energy. Leave them in a dusty corner and ignore them and they can become dull and lifeless. Work them too hard without clearing them and they suffer from energetic overload. Forget to charge them and they may slowly withdraw their energy. We have to remember that crystals are just as all other living creatures and as such need to be ‘fed’ and cared for regularly just as we would our own children. Once the crystals have been removed from their native environment they instantly lose the ability to recharge or feed themselves. In some cases it may have been a very long time since the crystal was in its native environment and may have passed through many hands and dug up from the ground many times over suffering all kinds of trauma before it reaches our hands.
When a crystal is removed from its native environment it is cut off from its natural diet/energy source. Not only from where it began life but also from others who may have cared for the crystal in years gone by. Just like all other creatures, crystals become attached to people and become used to their energy and way of working with them. So when they are removed they lose not only their natural environment but also the close bond of those who loved and cared for them. By meditating with these crystals it is possible to tap into information stored by previous carers.
Over time and through interaction with humankind the range of energy sources available has changed dramatically for crystals. Crystals are now open to new and different energetic vibrations through this interaction with us. By taking on a new crystal and giving it a home we also take on the responsibility of caring for it properly and ensuring it is recharged appropriately and regularly. We have a large range of “Food Sources” available to us to do this. These are food sources that wouldn’t normally be available to the crystals in their own natural environment. By interacting with them in this way we greatly increase and improve on the range of benefits available to us.
When we tap into these various sources and by varying the diet/energy sources we recharge them from we can program the crystal to suit our needs more effectively. This increases and enhances their performance. Before choosing an energy source to recharge your crystal from you must think carefully about the kind of energies you wish to imbue it with as this will affect the results you gain from your crystal dramatically. If you wanted a peaceful night’s sleep you wouldn’t want to recharge your crystal using Fire energy!
Recharging your crystals is very important, as they do not have the ability to connect with and interact with these energy sources by themselves. This is imperative as they will become dull and drained a little more each time they are used by you until in the end they will stop working and be unable to help you anymore. As their carer it is your responsibility to assist them with connecting to a source of nourishment. By combining the various energy sources available with the appropriate colours you can choose and access the correct one, not only for your crystal but also for the purpose you intend it to help you with. Crystals are as unique as we are and care should be taken in choosing the correct diet/energy source for each one you work with.
There are twenty main sources to choose from depending on your type of crystal. These are Universe, Sun, Moon, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Auric Energy, Magnetic, Mineral, Plant, Bird, Land Creatures, Water Creatures, Etheric (including Nature Spirits/Devas, Dragon, Angel, and Fairy) and Extraterrestrial. All energy sources to be used should be approached respectfully and thanked afterwards for their help. As you are tapping into very powerful energies care must be taken when asking for what you want. This should be thought out carefully as the Karmic repercussions could be very nasty. What we give out comes back to us eventually good or bad.
When you wish to charge crystals in the earth it is important firstly to put them into a container made of glass, (not metal) this will ensure that your crystal remains clean when you are ready to use it. If it is put directly into the ground you may then need to wash it before you can use it. By washing your charged crystal you run the risk of altering the effectiveness of the programming.
Another point to consider is that if you put crystals directly into the earth you are also sending out a signal that these are gifts to the earth and Fey Realms and your crystals may not be there when you return for them! It is nice to periodically scatter a few small crystals either into the ground, around trees or onto your pot plants as a thank you for their help. So many crystals are torn from the earth, it’s good to reassess the balance and give some back.
So when you wish to charge your crystal in the ground it must be in a glass or plastic jar that can be sealed. This must then be left for a period of seven hours to fully charge before use.
To begin with exposing your crystal for 24 hours to experience both sunlight and moonlight is ideal and can generate the most energy. You can charge crystals by placing them in a spot where they will receive direct sunlight or moonlight. The light will penetrate your crystal and fill it with positive energy. To use light to purify a crystal, place the crystal in a spot where it will be directly exposed to the light. Do remember that some crystals like amethyst will fade in strong sunlight. After this you can charge them with whichever energy you would like to work with.
How often do you need to cleanse your crystals? The more often you use a crystal, the more energy it collects. A good rule of thumb is to clear all of your crystals at least once a month. If an individual crystal is feeling heavier than usual, go ahead and cleanse it.
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