Higher Self Connection

Many often think of their Higher Self as being a something which is separate to whom they believe they are. In fact, our Higher Self is with us all the time, it’s not just something “up there”. Through meditation and other spiritual techniques we can learn to know it and learn to live more in its light.

Each time we incarnate it is an opportunity to learn important lessons, develop our consciousness, and heal and balance the self. If we go deep enough, we can discover lessons we need to learn, which aspects of consciousness we ought to develop, and how to heal and balance ourselves.

To fully understand ourselves we need to understand who we really are. We consist of dense and subtle bodies – physical, ethereal, astral, mental and spiritual. Through the choices we make, or interactions with others and our circumstances they can become weakened or damaged which will impact our overall health and wellbeing.

These light bodies can all be healed, balanced and improved through our spiritual work. The bodies and our chakra system, is connected to our Higher Self, which is the source of true personality and our primary guide through all of our incarnations in all dimensions of time and space.

The Higher Self has full understanding of the accumulation of each entity’s experiences through all lifetimes – and is aware of exactly where we stand on this path. It is also aware of all the lessons to be learned to achieve full self-realisation, and is a map of the roads leading us to our destination.

The Higher Self knows the entire path of evolution back to itself, and knows exactly how to continue in the right direction. Your Higher Self has important messages and energies for you to receive every day. Therefore it is important to meditate, to tune in each day to connect to your Higher Self.


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