Mental health issues are something which will affect each of us at some point in our life. Fear can paralyse us and sabotage our best efforts to live a happy, successful and abundant life. Some prefer to remain trapped in a self imposed conmfort zone prison rather than embrace change.
The thought of regaining your peace of mind when life feels as if it is spirally out of control may seem impossible. Until, you realise that it is not your circumstances that are causing your fear, but your reaction to that is happening.
We may not be able to prevent what is happening but we do have full control over how we decide to allow it to define us. When we approach our problems from a higher mindset, a place of calm, peace and clarity we are more open to help from others and new ways of approaching the situation.
When we look at spiralling fear from an energetic point of view, we attract everything to us that is on the vibrational frequency we are resonating with. So if something bad has happened and you constantly dwell on it you will attract more things to fear.
When you raise your consciousness, change your dominant thoughts, be proactive about your problems, your life can turn around very quickly again.
- Don’t struggle alone: Take back control and seek professional help for your issue or circumstance. There are many support groups and counsellors available skilled in your specific problem.
- Be honest: Don’t hide away from what is happening. Honour your feelings, they are prompting you to change the way you are living because it is no longer working for you or serving your highest good.
- Acceptance: know that sometimes things happen for a bigger reason, even if you cannot understand it right now, have faith things will work out as they should. You cannot control everything; focus on what you can and accept that some things need to work out in their own time.
- Practice self-care: Nurture yourself when you are feeling extra vulnerable. Spend time doing things which make you feel loved and valued. Nourish your mind, body and spirit to raise your vibes. Breathwork: focus on your breathing, it is key to bringing you back to centre.
- Be mindful of your self-talk: Our thoughts powerfully manifest our most dominant intentions, so make sure they are positive ones. Check in throughout your day to see if your thoughts are a true representation of what is actually happening or if they have begun to spiral.
- Reprogram your brain: Break state regularly, when we counteract each negative thought with positive affirmations, prayers or intentions we literally re-wire our brain’s response to fear. Getting away from your desk and going for a walk to ground yourself, having a chat with a friend or listening to music which makes you feel happy are great mood shifters.
- Action! Take immediate action to address whatever it is you fear. Procrastinating or hiding away from your fears will only allow them to grow. Take back the reins of your life and design the life you deserve by setting achievable goals with the right support.
FEAR can have two meanings:
Forget Everything And Run
Face Everything And Rise
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