What Are You Attracting?

Are you attracting what you want the most, or the thing you dread?

Many have heard of the Law of Attraction through the movie The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, but few know how to use it effectively. Some are even unwittingly using it against themselves.

We all resonate at a frequency that is in line with our governing thoughts, emotions and actions.  So to attract something different into your life, you need to change your vibrational frequency by consciously altering how you think, feel and act.

Is your primary focus on how unfair your life is, how everything keeps going wrong, how you cannot make enough money, find love, get a great job?

Stop and listen to the signal you are sending out into the universe.

Are you coming from a place of lack or of abundance?

Are you in a place of wanting rather than of receiving?

The very act of wanting something signals to the universe that it isn’t already present in your life and this actually pushes it further away from you. Why? Because you are coming from a place of lack. The universe responds to whatever you are focusing on and will continue to send to you an abundance of everything and everyone that also resonates on that frequency.

Instead focus on what you do want to manifest rather than what you don’t.


Attitude of Grattitude

Gratitude is the key to changing your life as you are affirming the presence of whatever you want as already being in your life (even if it isn’t quite as you would want it to be, or enough)

Send thoughts of gratitude for all that you already have and you will continue to attract an abundance of that into your life. Like Attracts Like.

Be grateful for the job you do have, whether you like it or not. Be grateful for the love that already surrounds you from your family and friends. Be grateful for the money that is flowing into your life, even if it is very little.

When you change your focus you change what is attracted to you.

Don’t limit yourself. Dare to Dream

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