Receiving Blessings

We have all heard the phrase “Trust the Universe.” Sometimes it appears harder than it sounds to trust and surrender when your life feels crazy, chaotic and overwhelming. Trusting can be challenging when it feels like you’re working hard and things just aren’t happening. Trust requires you to let go, relinquishing the need to control and learning to trust that things will simply unfold as it should. Trusting the universe requires patience especially if you are sowing plenty of seeds but are not seeing any growth.

Remember that you have all that you need within you to succeed, so stop reaching outwards for answers and look within. Ask yourself why something isn’t manifesting as you want it to. Are you self sabotaging yourself? Do you fear what changes it will bring and what they will ask of you? Are they really your goals, or someone else’s? Do you worry about the responsibility these changes will ask of you?

You are a powerful co-creator you are not weak or powerless and you do not need anyone else to rescue you or make things happen. The Universe works with you, but you have to take the first step to make things happen. You have to set that flow of energy in motion and give it a direction.

Trusting the universe isn’t just about hoping that someone will come along and make things better. It’s about being practical, about approaching your fears head on and learning what specific limiting beliefs you have that you need to let go of. Are you too settled in your comfort zone?

It is only when your desire for change becomes more important than the desire to stay in your comfort zone that your life changes. But why leave it and make that process painful and drawn out when you can actively co-create your future right now?

Are you asking for a huge sum of money that you believe will magically fix all of your issues? If you are, this may not be the answer. It may help you in the short term but if your ingrained negative patterns of behaviour and self limiting beliefs are still there you will find yourself in the same position again very quickly. Many lottery winners inevitably find themselves just as unhappy and in debt again as they were before their windfall. Change come from the inside not from external sources.

If you are given money without giving something back in return, it takes away your creative manifesting ability. It weakens you and takes away your determination to succeed and prevents you from building the muscles you need to work through the very issues that caused you to block the flow of prosperity in the first place.

Remember that sometimes not getting what you asked for is a blessing too. We do not know what life has in store for us or which challenges we need to work through to prepare us for something important in our future. If you are not manifesting what you have asked for and you believe you are doing everything right, be grateful, because something better is coming your way, something that is more suited to what your soul needs you to experience. Sometimes not getting what you want is saving you from making a huge mistake.

I find it far more efficient to focus on my situation and ask for the inspiration, healing, guidance, people and circumstances to manifest that I need to heal and move forwards. The most loving way to trust the universe is to learn to love and trust yourself. Rather than just saying you are “letting go,” of this or that. Really focus on what specifically is preventing you from doing so and then work on letting go of that negative cycle or trait that is no longer serving you.

Know that the universe serves you by loving you, even if that doesn’t satisfy your desire for instant gratification. Sometimes, not getting what you want is a precious gift.


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